Monday, May 6, 2013

Who is Welcome?

When the Church says that it is catholic, it means that it is universal and accepts all people.  She accepts every, and I mean everyone, despite who they are, what they may have done, or the sins they may have committed.  However, once welcomed to the church, one must follow the rule and guidelines of the Church.  It would be like a boy who has been welcomed to a soccer game with his friends.  Now he must follow the rules of the game to continue to play, he can not pick up the ball and run with it.  The Church is exactly the same.  Once you have entered the Church, one must make a conscious effort to stop sinning and grow closer to God.

God welcomes all peoples to his Church, but once admitted, the must change their ways.  Say a drug addict were to join the Church.  The Church would love him, support him, and respect him, but she would expect him to abandon his unhealthy habits.  Also, if a couple who has just chosen to abort a child were to join the Church, this would not change the love for them and the way she would treat them.  The Church would help them come to realize what a grave mistake they made and grieve with them in their deadly decision.  When people say the Church is for all people, it really is.  Now matter what condition, race, or faith you come from, the Church will love you, respect you, and treat you the same as any one else.

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