Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Pope, a Chair, and a Swiss Guard

Today I found an article about Pope Francis and his generosity here. Swiss Guards are the Swiss soldiers who have served as bodyguards, ceremonial guards, and palace guards at foreign European courts since the late 15th century. The Guard has strict requirements for recruitment and they swear a strict oath of allegiance to the Pope they must hold with their lives:
(Italian version) "Giuro di servire fedelmente, lealmente e onorevolmente il Sommo Pontefice e i suoi legittimi successori, come pure di dedicarmi a loro con tutte le forze, sacrificando, ove occorra, anche la vita per la loro difesa. Assumo del pari questi impegni riguardo al Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali per la durata della Sede vacante. Prometto inoltre al Capitano Comandante e agli altri miei Superiori rispetto, fedeltà e ubbidienza. Lo giuro. Che Iddio e i nostri Santi Patroni mi assistano."
(English version) "I swear I will faithfully, loyally and honourably serve the Supreme Pontiff [actual Pope] and his legitimate successors, and also dedicate myself to them with all my strength, sacrificing if necessary also my life to defend them. I assume this same commitment with regard to the Sacred College of Cardinals whenever the see is vacant. Furthermore I promise to the Commanding Captain and my other superiors, respect, fidelity and obedience. This I swear! May God and our Holy Patrons assist me!"
Their unending commitment to ensure the peace and safety within the Holy See reflects their strength and love for the Church. As they describe themselves:
It is rare to see a melding together of tradition and modernity as it is realized in the Swiss Guards. Our core mission is traditional: since 1506 we protect the pope and his residence. Our mission has not changed in over 500 years. What has changed are the methods and strategies we employ to fulfill that mission, the guards that respond to this call and the environment in which we must accomplish our mission.
Clothed in the traditional renaissance uniform is actually a state-of-the-art trained Swiss security professional. Just like the Swiss mercenaries of the 16th century, he is convinced that Christ’s Church and his Vicar on Earth deserve, no demand, because of what they are to be defended  - “if called for, even by giving one’s own life for him.” These young men – then as now also share a certain appetite for adventure: living in an international environment, experiencing the camaraderie, becoming acquainted with the latest developments and practices in personal security, experiencing one’s faith more profoundly, a new language, “Bella Italia,” … In this Mediterranean climate it is not only sweet fruit that ripens but also faith, conviction, proficiency, friendship and joy of life.
 Pope Francis interaction with the Guard reflects the changes that we hope will be brought to the Church. His simple act of kindness shows his dedication to purify the Church on its Pilgrim journey to be in communion with God.

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